Ah yes. We have reached part two of the family adventure. March 13 was my birthday, but I didn't want to celebrate when I knew I'd be taking an early train the next morning. So where else could I celebrate than the crazy city of Amsterdam? Our party took the morning train from Brussels to Amsterdam the next morning, an approximately 4 hour train ride.
At the main train station in Amsterdam there is a bike parking garage. Yes, a four-story, packed from rack to rack, bike parking garage. It was huge and over-flowing with bikes. At any rate, we took a taxi to our hostel because we had no idea where it was. When we first arrived, we dragged our luggage up an incredibly steep set of stairs. There was absolutely no way these stairs were by any means safe, especially for Amsterdam revelers.
That first night, we decided to celebrate my birthday. We all went out to dinner at a lovely Indian? restaraunt and enjoyed a beer new to me with dinner. Afterwards, we decided to check out some of the bars. Of course, we ventured into the Irish pub, called Hole in the Wall, first. We enjoyed a few rounds before venturing off to a different bar.

So onward we went. We found a little jazz club to enjoy more beer in, where we're pretty sure we ended up paying twice. Eh, whatever. We almost got lost on the walk home, but I, being incredibly cheap and poor, would not allow a taxi ride. Thankfully, Travis found the way home, as I was in no shape at all to follow a map or use any kind of common sense. I also have no idea how I made it up those steep stairs and to the bathroom before...
On our first day trip out, we ventured to the Anne Frank house. It was a very sobering experience, but was interesting to see where the family had hidden, to stand where they had stood. We were even able to see original copies of Frank's diary. We were lucky to have a very short waiting time, as a later trip to Amsterdam with a friend proved that lines do indeed wrap around the building in high tourist season. 
Next we walked across the city all the way to the Van Gogh Museum. I was very excited, on the inside, to see some famous paintings, but on the outside my body didn't want to show any such enthusiasm. I searched the entire musuem waiting to see Starry Night, but was sorely disappointed. Apparently, it's in New York or somewhere else. Alas, I can't have it all.

Next we walked across the city all the way to the Van Gogh Museum. I was very excited, on the inside, to see some famous paintings, but on the outside my body didn't want to show any such enthusiasm. I searched the entire musuem waiting to see Starry Night, but was sorely disappointed. Apparently, it's in New York or somewhere else. Alas, I can't have it all.
And I didn't want it all either. I simply wanted to sleep away the rest of the day, due to the night before. So we all went back to our hostel. There, Travis and I slept for the rest of the day and night, while Scott and Anna went out for dinner and a little time on their own. I just enjoyed the darkness and the sleep.
We had to leave the next morning. On our train ride back to Frankfurt, we stopped in Cologne to see the famous Koelner Dom. It's a beautiful cathedral right outside the main train station. The treasury holds an impressive collection of items including a thorn from the crown of Jesus and a nail from his cross. The view from the tower is worth the incredible number of stairs spiraling around and around, offering little breaks and no hand rail. Once we were firmly back on solid ground, Travis noted how his legs kept shaking on their own. "I feel like Thumper!" he declared, thus earning him the same nickname.

Alas, I lament not being able to include everything about this trip. Like the bathroom incident on the train, the bathroom incident in Frankfurt, and the funny Irish guys we met on the way to get Pizza. At any rate, that was our trip! Fun, adventureful, and comical!